Journey into the annals of Chinese history at Wuhou Shrine, a revered complex dedicated to the legendary strategist Zhuge Liang and other historical figures of the Three Kingdoms era. Explore intricately adorned temples, tranquil gardens, and intrica...Read More
Situated in the heart of Southwest China, Chengdu serves as a vital transportation hub with easy access to major cities and international markets. Its strategic location along the Belt and Road Initiative route enhances its connectivity and trade opp...Read More
Step back in time to the Qing Dynasty era at Anren Ancient Town, a meticulously preserved historical enclave brimming with architectural wonders and cultural landmarks. Wander through cobblestone streets lined with traditional courtyard homes, explor...Read More
Uncover the rich tapestry of Chengdu's history and heritage at Chengdu Museum, a cultural institution showcasing artifacts, exhibits, and interactive displays spanning millennia of civilization. Delve into the city's archaeological treasures, explore...Read More
Embark on a culinary journey through the flavors of Sichuan cuisine, renowned for its bold spices and mouthwatering dishes. From the fiery heat of mapo tofu to the comforting warmth of hot pot, each bite offers a symphony of flavors that tantalize th...Read More